Sunday, September 13, 2009

Like none other

This past weekend Josh and I headed to Iowa.  Our dearest friends Jon and Katie are just the BEST!  Jon and Josh were roommates in college at Bethel for 3 years.  It is such a bummer that we live 3.5 hours away!  It is just too far, we must change that!  They have a 19 month old daughter, and boy is Hallie just the most adorable and fun little girl!  She was definitely our entertainment for the weekend, that girl has some sass in her step, which I LOVE!  Katie is 6 months pregnant with their 2nd daughter as well, and we cannot wait to meet her in January!  We played many games of Rook and Nerts - ohh the lovely memories of the college days.  We love chatting and hanging out with them.  We always have a blast and are just so sad to leave at the end of the weekend.  We are glad there are a few college friends weddings coming up so we get to hangout soon!  Here is a picture of Hallie, isnt she the sweetest???!!

She is going to be the best big sister!  We love you Hallie!!  Thank you Jon & Katie for a GREAT weekend!  We love and miss you already!! 
I have been kind of emotional the rest of today...the littlest things make me cry.  I dont know my deal....well I could rattle off a couple ideas of course, however I will just stick with the fact that I am emotional.  I have been praying for those on my prayer list, mostly babies and unborn babies.  I have a HUGE heart for them, they just get to me like none other (not that no one or nothing else does, trust me!).  Always have, always will.  I have also been praying so much for Kate McRae.  That girl steals your heart and if you can please pray for her and her family.    I then of course pray for other moms who have lost their babies.  I pray for comfort and peace, especially for those times we just want to crawl into our bed and pull the covers over our heads and cry.  Oh those moments are not fun.  The thoughts are all encompassing and always present in our minds.  I was thinking about everything that has transpired in the last 10 months on our long drive home from Iowa.  It is crazy to think it has been that long, sometimes I feel like it has been 10 years and then the next moment it feels like it was yesterday.  I have never ached or cried this much in my entire life.  I have made some wonderful, amazing friends who have so graciously been there for me and really helped me through this.  I have realized the true meaning of friendship.  I didnt know I could love my baby girl so much, who I just ache to hold.  Oh I could go on for hours but I won't do that.  I am going to pray and go to bed.  Thank you Lord for all the blessings in my life especially for Emma, now that girl gets to me like none other.  Momma loves you Emma.  With all that I have.  
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden in light."  Matthew 11:26.



  1. Glad you guys had a such a great time with your friends! Hallie is just precious!

    I am so glad that I've been able to meet you and consider you a friend. I will say a little prayer for you tonight!


  2. Wonderfully...beautifully said.

    Sweet dreams tonight.



Thanks so much for your sweet comments!