Wednesday, February 29, 2012

strong, sassy & stubborn but ever so sweet grandma

I had scheduled a fluffy, easy, 'wordless wednesday' post.  But the fluffy, wordless wednesday post was cancelled last night.  My sweet, loving, wonderful grandma has been in the hospital for a week today.  If you don't have the pleasure of knowing her, here is a little tidbit.  Grandma Verna is a strong, sassy & stubborn but ever so sweet woman.  I think she would happen to like those describing traits.  {I might,or might not have inherited a few of those famous traits as well, right Husband?!  Kal definitely has might have too...} She loves her children, grandchildren & great grandchildren like none other.  She had a brain aneurysm 19 years ago but refuses to let that define her or her life.       
I am not the best at explaining things (be it medical, re-telling a story, heck, even my very own thoughts) but I will do my best.  The doctors are still unsure of what is wrong/going on with her {and I am pretty sure whatever is going on is not related to her aneurysm so long ago}, which is frustrating in itself.  She went into cardiac arrest on Sunday and then it was decided by her doctors to 'cool' her down so her brain/body could rest and try and prevent any further damage.  I believe it was yesterday that they discovered that her kidneys are not working as they should be either.  They {the doctors} are going to run a few more tests on her heart (again) so we praying for answers.  And peace.  And understanding through all of this.  We do have a caringbridge site set up if you would like to go there for info (
If you can say a prayer for her, and as well as my grandpa, I would be ever so grateful.  I have truly seen the power of prayer firsthand, and know how much it means to those in the thick of heartache & struggles. 
 Thank you in advance for your prayers and kindness!  I know everyone in our family greatly appreciates it!


  1. Oh I will be praying for your grandma and your entire family! God is big and gives peace where it seems like there is none to be found!


  2. I will definitely be praying over her and situatioon. Hopefully the doctors are able to get some answers pretty soon and your family will be comforted in the meantime. Hang in there!

  3. Praying for you, your grandma and your family. She seems like such a wonderful lady thank you for sharing her story with us

  4. Thanks for the update friend... we have been praying this week!! LOVE YOU, let me know if you need anything!

    1. thanks so much, friend! you are wonderful! Love you!


Thanks so much for your sweet comments!